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The Wisdom of Meditation Centre

Living Wisdom Retreat


Wisdom of Meditation Centre

58 Arcus Road, Te Horo, RD2 Otaki, 5582

WHEN: The first Saturday of every month, from 1:00 - 9:00 pm
WHERE: The Wisdom of Meditation Centre, 58 Arcus Road, Te Horo
COST: $95 per person (includes 3 classes - satsang, meditation & Somatic Movement, plus afternoon tea, dinner & Spirit of Kirtan)

CONTACT US: for more info or to sign up for the Living Wisdom Retreat.

Leaves Shadow

Immerse yourself in a one-day retreat that brings traditional meditation practices and timeless wisdom into modern life.


Initiate a regular meditation practice or vitalize your existing practice, The Living Wisdom Retreat embraces all ages and stages.

  • Awaken a deep understanding of yourself.

  • Get in touch with true freedom & unconditional love.

  • Strengthen your power to break unhelpful mental patterns.

  • Learn techniques how to down-regulate stress and worry.

  • Detox from distractions.

  • Connect with your deeper presence.

  • Sharpen your concentration.

  • Restore flexibility, balance and coordination through Somatic Yoga.

  • Move with more awareness.

  • Meet like-minded people.


A combination of classes: (7.5 hrs)
Satsang; Meditation; Mayank’s Movement (Soma yoga) & Spirit of Kirtan (chanting).

Living Wisdom Retreat Program

1.00 pm Silent Meditation (if you arrive during the meditation, please come in and join us, you will not disturb. 
1:30 pm: Satsang & Meditation with Shikhaa
3.00 pm: Somatic Movement with Mayank
4.30 pm: Afternoon tea
5.30 pm: Q & A with Shikhaa
6.30 pm: Dinner
7.30 pm: Spirit of Kirtan with Shikhaa & Mayank
9.00: pm End.

Living Wisdom Retreat

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