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Spirit of Kirtan


Spirit of Kirtan

When: The 1st Saturday of every month, 7:30 — 9:00pm
Where: Wisdom of Meditation Centre,
58 Arcus Rd. Te Horo, Otaki RD2
Cost: $10

Kirtan Meditation

When: The 3rd Saturday of every month,
7:30 — 9:00pm
Where: Wisdom of Meditation Centre,
58 Arcus Rd. Te Horo, Otaki RD2
Cost: $10

Spirit of Kirtan YouTube Videos

Visit the Wisdom of Meditation YouTube channel for a collection of recorded chants and live kirtan events, performed by Shikhaa and Mayank.

Spirit of Kirtan Audio Recordings

Here are Spirit of Kirtan recordings which have been recordinged over the years, some solo albums by Shikhaa and friends and some by Shikhaa and Mayank together with friends. Full albums or individual MP3s are available to purchase.

Singing simple Sanskrit mantras as a means to integrate the knowledge of joy and freedom into our direct experience.


Kirtan is not about performing, rather it heals the past impressions that have been built in the mind due to the pressures to perform, to succeed, or to impress others.


While living in India, Shikhaa and Mayank studied Indian classical music and joined many kirtans sung in temples all over India. They bring this lightness and joy of singing in their retreats.


Kirtan simply uplifts the spirit, through the powerful resonance of the Sanskrit sounds ones entire body can be transformed. At the end of the day, the community gathers, the guitars and drums come out, and the program is completed with a celebration of the purpose of life – to live in love and joy.



Benefits of Chanting



• Reduces anxiety and agitation
• Nurtures an overall sense of well-being
• Strengthens your spiritual connection
• Helps you find and refine your voice
• Increases your breath capacity
• Cultivates inner strength

• Improves your capacity to listen
• Refines your communication skills
• Brings about energetic balance
• Improves your memory
• Builds mental discipline

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