Wisdom of Meditation

Wisdom of Meditation Classes
In-person attendance: payment via cash or online banking.
Online attendance within NZ: payment via online banking.
Contact us for bank details.
Satsang Online (SOL) International: times and payments check here.

Satsang Online with Shikhaa (60 min)
Monday 8:00 AM, 4:00 PM & 8:00 PM (NZT) via Zoom
Satsang ignites the inquiry into life’s deeper purpose, based on non-dual teachings (Advaita Vedanta) by way of discussion, contemplation, meditation and techniques how to apply wisdom in action.
Cost: Per session: NZ$15
Class Pass:10 sessions NZ$120

Mid-week Meditation with Shikhaa - (60 min)
Wednesday 5:30 PM (NZT) In person only
Thursday 7:00 AM (NZT) Online only
Guided meditations leads the mind directly to the ever-present awareness, free from identification with the troubles and burdens of the thinking mind.
Cost: Per session: NZ$15
Class Pass:10 sessions NZ$120

Light of Knowledge Satsang with Shikhaa (75 min)
Thursday 11:00 AM (NZT) In person & via Zoom
Inquiry, discussion, contemplation and meditation drawn from the Vedic wisdom tradition, Advaita Vedanta. Shikhaa's program is spontaneously inspired from questions relevant to how we can integrate this essential knowledge into our daily lives.
Cost: Per session: NZ$15
Class Pass: 10 sessions NZ$120

Kriya Yoga with Shikhaa (50 min)
Sunday 9:00 AM (NZT) In person & via Zoom
Kriya Yoga is a yogic discipline that enhances our Prana (vital-force). In this class we learn how to direct the body/mind subtle energies to flow unimpeded through the 7 chakras (energy centers).
Combining pranayam (conscious breathing techniques) with mantra, intention, visualization and mudra (hand postures) works to strengthen and align your prana, which thereby deepens your meditation practice and evolves mastery in your life. These traditional Tantric techniques work to reduces stress, increase breath capacity, stabilize blood pressure, strengthen immunity, improve mental clarity and cultivate well-being.
Cost: Per session: NZ$15
Class Pass:10 sessions NZ$120

Join Shikhaa for a one-on-one session
Online or in-person
Cost: Per session: NZ$65

Somatic Movement with Mayank (75 min)
Thursday 9:30 AM (NZT) In person
This gentle aware movement practise involves neuro-muscular re-patterning.
Working on the brain to muscle connection to lengthen muscles & release tension.
A simple, relaxing & deeply effective practise to boost & regain mobility & balance.
And easily accessible to all bodies.
Cost: Per session: $15
Class Pass: 10 sessions $120

Restorative Movement with Mayank (60 min)
Tuesday 10:00 AM (NZT) In person
This class focuses on movement that keeps all the parts active, enabling us to have good full body mobility, flexibility & balance. Using developmental resets & restorative exercises, every class starts with a focus on a different body area & finishes with full body movement flows. Come join our happy crew of seniors who are enjoying getting things moving again!
"As we need nutritious food, we need nutritious movement” - Katy Bowman
Cost: Per session: $15
Class Pass: 10 sessions $120

Gentle Yoga Flow with Mayank (60 min)
Thursday 6:00 PM (NZT) In person
A gentle yoga session based on traditional Hatha Yoga.
It includes some light stretching & joint mobility, blended with some functional movement. Suitable for beginners & seniors. (options are there to take things up a notch if you want a more active session)
Cost: Per session: $15
Class Pass: 10 sessions $120

Qigong with Mayank (60 min)
Sunday 10:00 AM (NZT) In person & via Zoom
Join Mayank for simple, accessible movement flows. Qigong helps to cultivate good breathing, reduce stress & anxiety, and build fluid, flexible movement ability. This practice fills us with fresh energy, "qi", to invigorate, inspire and build strength and well-being.
Cost: Per session: NZ$15
Class Pass: 10 sessions NZ$120